After a hugely successful inaugural awards in 2015, which saw over 14,000 votes and 100 entries, we have now finalised the dates for 2016. Feedback from you was that it was fantastic to see dance industry awards which celebrate successes across the board, so we are now making this a regular thing in the dance calendar!
Pop these dates in your diary and we will give you more information nearer the time.
Look out for the #dthubawards2016 hash-tag and encourage everyone you know to enter - the more the merrier!
The dates we have pulled together for the awards are as follows:-
- Open for entries: 12 February
- Entry Deadline: 8 April
- Short listing: 10 April - 22 April
- Public voting process: 23 April - 18 May
- Winners announced: 22 May
Voting is now closed.